Jul 10, 2023
Please see the following letter from President McGarvey regarding the UPS Teamsters contract negotiations.
Dear U.S. Council Leaders,
As you may have seen in the news this week, the International Brotherhood ofTeamsters are currently involved in ongoing contract negotiations with UPS, asthey fight for better pay, benefits,and working conditions for their membership.
NABTU stands in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of UPS Teamsters thatare demanding a fair contract. We encourage allour brothers and sisters tojoin in and have an active voice in raising awareness about the importance of thisnegotiation that will benefit all American workers.
UPS Teamsters worked hard and put their lives at risk during the pandemic tokeep the delivery giant running, doubling its profits. It’s time for UPS to rewardthese workers and honor the sacrifices they made to keep this country moving.A strong and reliable pension, fair wages, and reasonable health benefits arecrucial to sustaining a middle class life and should be provided to all workers,especially those that havecreated such financial success for companies like UPS.
This fight has the ability to shape the power of collective bargaining and workerorganizing nationwide for generations. Now is the time for us to show ourunwavering solidarity for our Teamsters brothers and sisters.
In Solidarity,
Sean McGarvey